Event date: February 11, 2023 12:00 pm - 2:30 pmCategories:


日時:2月11日(土曜日)12:00~14:30 (11:40より開場)
場所:Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists
1924 Cedar St. (1606 Bonita Ave.), Berkeley, CA 94709 (入口は、CedarとBonitaの角)
支払い方法:Paypal: bayareahimawarikai@gmail.comで検索してください。手数料を$1加算してください。
小切手:IIBA/Himawarikai宛にP.O.Box 6428, Albany, CA  94706へ2月1日までに送付してください。


1. 新年会当日の朝にホームテストを受けて、陰性の結果を確認してご参加ください。陽性の場合は参加はご遠慮ください。
2. コロナ感染症の症状がある方、体調が不良な方は、参加をご遠慮ください。
3. 会場では、飲食中以外は、不織布のマスク(surgical mask)以上の機能性のマスクを着用してください。

Date and Time: Saturday, Feb. 11 from 12 pm to 2:30 pm (Venue opens at 11:40)
Venue: Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists
1924 Cedar St. (1606 Bonita Ave.), Berkeley, CA 94709 (Entry at the corner of Cedar and Bonita)
Fees: Member – $40 / Non-member – $50 
To participate, please send an email with “New Year Party” in the subject line. Include your name, number of participants, amount paid and payment method (check or PayPal) and payment date to bayareahimawarikai@gmail.com on or before EOB 2/1/2023.
Payment Methods: PayPal: Please make payments to bayareahimawarikai@gmail.com. Please add $1 for each payment made to help cover PayPal fees.
Checks: Make checks out to IIBA/Himawarikai and mail to P.O.Box 6428, Albany, CA  94706 on or before EOB 2/1/2023. *Please make separate payments for the party and annual membership fees.

Once payments are made, no refunds will be issued, as we will be ordering bento lunches for the participants. Please contact Himawarikai at bayareahimawarikai@gmail.com with any concerns.

COVID-19 Measures:
We ask that you:

1. Please test yourself in the morning before attending the party. Please refrain from attending the party unless your test result is negative.
2. If you are showing any symptoms of COVID or if you do not feel well, please refrain from attending the party.
3. During the party, please wear a surgical mask or better while not eating or drinking.