Twilight Concert On The Bay
日時:4月27日(土) 夕方5時から8時まで
Hello dear friends,
Thanks to your generous goodwill and fun loving hearts, we were able to raise $8,380 in donations. After the wine and food, we are netting $6,430 which will be sent (net of wiring fees) to Inchinoseki Fujinosono.
I am grateful for the goodwill and good cheers.
Yuko has kindly compiled footage from the concert for all of us, and Zedex in Shanghai has uploaded the footage for us (despite not having access to YouTube):http://zenplay.org/projects/events/
Please check it out, and browse around a little to see what ZenPlay is all about.
Needless to say, without Beni and the Edgewood Trio, we would not have had the Concert on the Bay, so thank you!
Please forward the link and this email to your friends who attended, as I do not have everybody’s email.
Mari Kawawa